Pilgrim, stop there for a moment

Pilgrim, stop there for a moment

Welcome to the resting place „At Štěpán’s Bench“ on the South Bohemian St. James‘ Way. Pause and take a look around. What can you see? Where have you come from? Where are you going? What experiences have you had on your journey? If you want to know more about the story of this resting place, use the QR code.

The St. James‘ Way is a long-distance pilgrimage route connecting the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The final destination is Santiago de Compostela in Spain, where hundreds of thousands of pilgrims travel each year. You’ll recognize this route by the yellow star on a blue background or by the scallop shell symbol. You can walk the path for a day or two or even three months if you feel inspired. In the Czech Republic, the route is maintained by the Ultreia. For all information, visit www.ultreia.cz. If you feel connected to this place, you can donate to its upkeep through Darujme.cz using the QR code below.