Stage 1. Vlašim – Mladá Vožice
From: Vlašim – Main Square
To: Mladá Vožice – Main Square
Length: 28,8 km
Height profile: 824 m
739 m
Route description
The route is quite long and contains challenging ascending. You can divide this stage into two. However, there is no accommodation between Vlašim and Mladá Vožice apart from Kondrac, which is quite close to the starting point. However, you can leave the path to Louňovice pod Blaníkem, which is approximately in the middle of this route.
The South Bohemian Way starts at the very point where the Eastern Bohemian way finishes, i.e. at Hus square in Vlašim. You can visit the chateau here as well as the adjacent park, alternatively you can divert form the path to Domašín to the church of St. James and come to the path marked by red. You will stay on the red path for some time and it will take you out of the town centre of Vlašim through the town buildings heading towards South. Cross the railway tracks, pass the villa quarter and leave the town. Enjoy walk through apple tree alley surrounded by fields. Follow the Orlina River from a distance, pass two ponds and before reaching the third one turn on the dam in south-west direction. Reach Kondrac where there is a medieval church of St. Bartholomew and then carry on passing Brodec Creek to Velký Blaník where there is a watchtower. Then continue to Malý Blaník where you will find ruins of St. Margaret´s Chapel. Following those two challenging climbs you will benefit from mild descend through Býkovice to Kamberk where there is a church of St. Martin. You will continue through the forest and get to the ruins of Šlemberk castle. You can find pilgrim´s stamp in a pilgrim´s box on the signpost at the parking lot. Then continue to Mladá Vožice.
Points of Interest
Vlašim – Castle and adjacent park
Vlašim – St. Giles´ church
Vlašim – St. James´s church
Kondrac – Medieval church of St. Bartholomew
Šelmberk – Castle ruins
Mladá Vožice – Points of Cross
Kamberk – Baroque church of St. Martin
Mladá Vožice – Rennaissance castle