What Is a Credencial?
Credencial (in Spanish) or creancial (in French) is the pilgrim’s passport. It is a small booklet used to collect stamps given at designated churches or hostels along the way. For most pilgrims, the credential is also a basic pilgrimage souvenir that serves as a reminder of all the individual stages of their journey.
Most pilgrim accommodation across Europe is available only upon presenting the credential. These include mainly parochial, municipal, and private hostels. Some commercial establishments offer a discount based on the credential.
How Do I Get My Credencial?
Ultreia, z. s. issues a Czech version of the credencial. You can get it at selected shops or by mail. It costs CZK 110 (plus shipping).
You can buy a credencial in the following places (in alphabetical order):
- Bechyně: Městské informační centrum, nám. T. G. Masaryka 140
- Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav: Informační a kulturní centrum ve Staré Boleslavi, Jungmannova 468
- Brno: Obchod ToActivity, Pekařská 415/32
- Brno: Farnost u kostela sv. Jakuba, Jakubská 11
- Hradec Králové: Nové Adalbertinum, Velké nám. 32 (Vyzvednutí možné pouze po předchozí domluvě na čísle 731 604 770 nebo mailu info@poutniknihy.cz)
- Mikulov: Turistické informační centrum, Náměstí 158/1
- Ostrava: Mobilní hospic Ondrášek o.p.s., Gurťjevova 459/11(Vyzvednutí možné pouze po předchozí domluvě s paní Konečnou na čísle 604 82 66 46.)
- Pardubice: Východočeské muzeum v Pardubicích, Zámek 2
- Příbram: Informační centrum a poutní areál Svatá Hora, Svatohorská alej 528
- Praha 7: Obchod Pod 7 kilo, Milady Horákové 50
- Přelouč: Kostel svatého Jakuba
- E-shop Ultreia – využívejte při objednávkách pro zaslání credencialu mimo Prahu
You can also buy it via our new e-shop.
St. James Way Completion Certificate
In order to qualify for the completion certificate in Santiago de Compostela, you must have travelled at least the last 100km on foot or on horseback, or 200km on bike. Your journey is verified using the dated stamps in your credential.
The Czech credential is a valid document that allows you to apply for the Compostela (completion certificate) in Santiago and for accommodation as well. It is equivalent to the Spanish credentials. (The rule that as of April 1, 2016 Compostelas will only be given to pilgrims with credentials issued by the Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela has not in fact entered into force, as we see from our own experience every year.) The Czech credential also remains valid for accommodation for pilgrims travelling from Prague to Santiago.