Žitava (Zittau) – Český Dub – Mladá Boleslav – Stará Boleslav – Praha – 135 km
This way copies the old pilgrimage and trade route, along which the Czech Bishop Vojtěch brought Christianity to Poland around 995. It leads from Zittau to Prague, where it continues as the Všerubská way.
Route map
Route description
This variant of the Way of St. James enters our country near Zittau at the so-called Trojmezí (Tripoint), where the borders of three states: Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic meet.
The route continues through Hrádek nad Nisou towards Grabštejn Castle. We briefly touch the corner of the Lusatian Mountains and enter the protected zone of folk architecture in Kryštofovo Údolí. Here, a charming wooden Church of St. Christoph awaits us, as well as one technical monument – a railway viaduct with fourteen arches. Then the pilgrim hikes up to Křižanské pass on the Ještěd ridge. From here, it is possible to go off the route and climb the Mount Ještěd (1,012 m above sea level) with a highly regarded modern building of the transmitter with a restaurant and stunning views.
After conquering the Ještěd ridge, descend to the countryside of Podještědí and the town of Český Dub. The Order of Saint John Commandery, linked to the legend of Zdislava of Lemberk, was discovered here. The way continues to the Church of St. James in the village of Letařovice with a beautiful coffered painted wooden ceiling depicting the legend of St. James. A stone Romanesque Church of the Assumption awaits the pilgim in Mohelnice nad Jizerou. After that comes Mnichovo Hradiště with the Church of St. James and a Baroque chateau comprising also the Capuchin Monastery complex with the St. Anna chapel.
The route runs from Bakov nad Jizerou to the ruins of Zvířetice and Michalovice castles towering over the Jizera river. The next town, Mladá Boleslav is renowned for making Škoda automobiles and also for a unique 16th century pseudobasilica of the Church of Czech Brethren. The way gently undulates along the Jizera river to the village of Vinec, where we can find a rare Romanesque Church of St. Nicholas. Once we pass through Benátky nad Jizerou past the chateau with a park, the route starts descending towards Předměřice to the Church of St. James. The woods will lead us to Stará Boleslav, the most important pilgrimage site on this route with a Baroque Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary protecting the precious Palladium of the Czech Land. Other treasures include the Church of St. Wenceslas, where St. Wenceslas was murdered, the Romanesque basilica of St. Clement or the 17th century pilgrim route from Prague called Via Sancta lined with remains of niche chapels.
When crossing the river Elbe, a grand chateau with Imperial past in Brandýs and Labem can be seen towering over us. Walking through the fields, the pilgrim is getting closer to Prague. From the ruin of the black tower in Jenštejn, through the pleasant riparian woodland, we are approaching Vinoř and a sidewalk will take us to the stone Romanesque Church of St. Wenceslas in Prosek, Prague. From here, join the Prague route along the Rokytka stream and the Vltava river, which has not been marked yet.
Practical information
From | To | km | ∑ kms | Mark |
hraniční přechod Hrádek n/N CZ/D | Hrádek nad Nisou - žst. ![]() | 2,5 | 2,5 | ![]() |
Hrádek n/N. - žst. | Nad Grabštejnem | 3,0 | 5,5 | ![]() |
Nad Grabštejnem | Bílý Kostel nad Nisou![]() | 5,6 | 11,1 | ![]() |
Bílý Kostel nad Nisou | Buk republiky | 4,3 | 15,4 | ![]() |
Buk republiky | Kryštofovo Údolí - obec ![]() | 3,6 | 19,0 | ![]() |
Kryštofovo Údolí - obec | Kříž v Novině,křižovatka zelené se silnicí č.II/592 | 1,5 | 20,5 | ![]() |
Novina, křižovatka zelené se silnicí č.592 | Křižanské sedlo | 0,9 | 21,4 | ![]() |
Křižanské sedlo | Hoření Paseky - Kantůrčice | 5,6 | 27,0 | ![]() |
Hoření Paseky - Kantůrčice | Rozstání | 1,9 | 28,9 | ![]() |
Rozstání | Pod Čertovou zdí | 4,5 | 33,4 | ![]() |
Pod Čertovou zdí | Český Dub - nám. ![]() | 4,3 | 37,7 | ![]() |
Český Dub - nám. | Letařovice ![]() | 4,0 | 41,7 | ![]() |
Letařovice | Sedlisko | 5,1 | 46,8 | ![]() |
Sedlisko | Chocnějovice | 5,5 | 52,3 | ![]() |
Chocnějovice | Mohelnice na Jizerou | 2,2 | 54,5 | ![]() |
Mohelnice na Jizerou | Zásadka - zříc. ![]() | 0,7 | 55,2 | ![]() |
Zásadka - zříc. | Mnichovo Hradiště ![]() | 3,8 | 59,0 | ![]() |
Mnichovo Hradiště | Klášter Hradiště - pivovar ![]() | 2,0 | 61,0 | ![]() |
Klášter Hradiště - pivovar | Klokočka - kaple ![]() | 4,2 | 65,2 | ![]() |
Klokočka - kaple | Bakov nad Jizerou - žst. město | 4,9 | 70,1 | ![]() |
Bakov nad Jizerou - žst. město | Josefův Důl | 5,4 | 75,5 | ![]() |
Josefův Důl | Michalovice ![]() | 2,8 | 78,3 | ![]() |
Michalovice | Mladá Boleslav - Komenského nám. ![]() | 3,3 | 81,6 | ![]() |
Mladá Boleslav - Komenského nám. | Vinec | 3,7 | 85,3 | ![]() |
Vinec | Krnsko - u viaduktu | 3,0 | 88,3 | ![]() |
Krnsko – u viaduktu | Horky nad Jizerou ![]() | 6,3 | 94,6 | ![]() |
Horky nad Jizerou | Benátky nad Jizerou - nám. ![]() | 4,8 | 99,4 | ![]() |
Benátky nad Jizerou - nám. | Předměřice n. Jiz. | 7,2 | 106,6 | ![]() |
Předměřice n. Jiz. | Sojovice | 4,6 | 111,2 | ![]() |
Sojovice | Podbrahy | 1,4 | 112,6 | ![]() |
Podbrahy | Stará Boleslav - bus ![]() | 7,2 | 119,8 | ![]() |
Stará Boleslav - bus | Brandýs nad Labem - zámek ![]() | 1,6 | 121,4 | ![]() |
Brandýs nad Labem - zámek | roh ulicí Kralupská, V Olšinkách | 1,5 | 122,9 | neznačeno - chodník, silnice |
roh ulicí Kralupská, V Olšinkách | Cvrčovice | 4,7 | 127,6 | ![]() |
Cvrčovice | Jenštejn - zříc. ![]() | 1,8 | 129,4 | ![]() |
Jenštejn - zříc. | Vinořský hřbitov - bus | 3,2 | 132,6 | ![]() |
Vinoř | Kbely - Kutnohorská kaple | 3 | 135,6 | neznačeno - silnice !! |
Kbely | Klíčov křižovatka (Praha) | 3,6 | 139,1 | neznačeno - chodník |
Klíčov křižovatka (Praha) | Praha - Prosek (kostel sv.Václava) | 1,4 | 140,5 | neznačeno - chodník |
Celkem | 140,5 km |
touristic trails
cycling route on paved road
cycling route on unpaved road
razítko / stamp
Show me the Zittau Way on Mapy.cz.
Where to get stamps
The information will be available in English soon. Updated in August 2020.
Město | Kontakt |
Hrádek nad Nisou | Penzion Janata, 606 341 818, 800 Kč / 2L pokoj Penzion Zuzana, 604 364 033, 250 Kč / osoba Rekreační areál Kristýna, 482 757 755, 450 Kč / 2L chatka Penzion Zuska, 603 806 632, 350 Kč / osoba, 600 Kč / 2L pokoj Penzion Martilka, 607 786 562, 350 Kč / osoba, 600 Kč / 2L pokoj Sport centrum North Point, 400 Kč / osoba, 600 Kč / 2L pokoj |
Kryštofovo Údolí | Penzion Eva, 603 207 863, 350 Kč / osoba Penzion Rokytka, 606 851 011, 1 150 Kč / 2L pokoj. |
Český Dub | Sokolovna, 728 060 020, 100 Kč / osoba (+ 50 Kč za povlečení) Podještědský sportovní areál, 723 065 441, 500 Kč / osoba |
Mnichovo Hradiště | Fara, 736 148 567 (do konce srpna 2020 není ubytování poskytováno) Sokolovna, 774 665 190 Hotel U Hroznu, 775793973, 1 500 Kč / 3L pokoj Apartmán Mnichovo Hradiště, 326773091 Kemp Klášter Hradiště n. Jizerou (cca 3 km od trasy), 604143167, 50 Kč / stan Penzion Kristýnka, Klášter Hradiště n. Jizerou (cca 3 km od trasy), 724 304 904, 280 - 350 Kč / osoba |
Bakov nad Jizerou | Penzion a ubytovna Bakov, 603 760 313, 200 - 500 Kč / osoba Penzion u Kasků, 605 250 325, 500 Kč / pokoj Chatová a stanová osada Bakov, 703 486 669, 800 Kč za 4L chatku nebo 2L apartmán |
Benátky nad Jizerou | Fara, 724 550 009 Sokolovna, 603 249 306, spaní na žíněnkách, pouze pro předem objednané skupiny |
Stará Boleslav | Souhrnný přehled všech možností ubytování v tomto odkazu. |
Praha - Vinoř | Fara, 606 664 398 |
Daily Stages
Stage 0. Zittau - Hrádek nad Nisou
From: Zittau - Main Train Station
To: Hrádek nad Nisou - Main Square
Length: 8,7 km
Height profile: 125 m
122 m
Route description
In case you have some spare time, you can start your pilgrimage from the nice medieval German town Zittau or ‘the Town of Seven Towers’. There you can also find a St. James’s church there from 1303 which was originally built as a hospital for lepers. The way then copies the Czech-German border till Hartau where you will enter the Czech territory. It is in Hartau where you can see the signpost explaining the Czech style of marking the way. From there it is just a short trip to Hrádek nad Nisou.
Points of interest
Zittau - important medieval town
Tripoint - a place where the Czech, German and Polish borders meet
Hartau - border crossing point with a signpost explaining the logic of Czech marking of the way
Stage 1. Hrádek nad Nisou - Kryštofovo údolí (Christoph´s Valley)
From: Hrádek nad Nisou - Main Square
To: Kryštofovo údolí (Christoph´s Valley)
Length: 16,6 km
Height profile: 451 m
336 m
Route description
This route which is about 17 km long leads mostly through wood and field paths, apart from the few meters at the start in Hrádek. The whole stage is marked by yellow. About 3 km from Hrádek there is Renaissance chateau Grabštejn, which is worth visiting. The terrain is unchallenging with modest ups and downs all the way to Bílý kostel where you can stop for a refreshment.
Behind Bílý kostel the way leads up to a long hill all the way to Buk Republiky (Beech of the Republic – a memorable tree). The climbing should be without any issues. However, you can slow down and use Křížový potok (Cross Creek) for cooling down and rest. Close to Buk Republiky you can visit ruins of Roimund castle. Descending down to Kryštofovo údolí through the woods alongside a mumbling creek should be a pleasant experience, which might end up in bathing at the lido on the outskirt of Kryštofovo údolí. You can re-fill your water supply in Bílý Kostel.
Points of Interest
Grabštejn - state castle and chateau
Bílý Kostel nad Nisou - village
Stage 2. Kryštofovo Údolí (Christoph´s Valley) - Český Dub (Czech Oaktree)
From: Kryštofovo Údolí (Christoph´s Valley)
To: Český Dub (Czech Oaktree)
Length: 18,8 km
Height profile: 412m
466 m
Route description
Kryštofovo údolí (Christoph´s Valley) is a gem of peasant architecture of Sudeten type. You can see here half-timbered houses, wooden church with a bell tower and a Baroque vicarage. A pleasant experience is a nice café in the style of First Republic or a museum of folk Nativity Scenes. The village offers number of accommodation and refreshment.
Continue by sharp climbing up the hill following the green mark and take a road at Kříž v Novině to Křižanské saddle. If you want to see the unique metal viaduct, leave Kryštofovo údolí via road. Ascending to Křižanské valley is challenging so do not forget to have enough water with you. In the saddle, you can decide to take an alternative route through Ještěd. The main route descends
on the yellow mark where after 0,5 km you will find a spring in the woods with drinkable water. The yellow mark will then take you around Matoušova skála (Matouš´s Rock), Pruský kříž (Prussian Cross) and Jeřmaňská skála (Jeřmaň Rock), through Rozstání on blue mark to the village Kotel where you will find beautiful ancient linden trees. You can take your lunch in Hoření Paseky where there is also a pleasant lido.
Close to natural site Čertova zeď (Devil´s wall) change back to yellow mark and let it take you through the woods to Český Dub (Czech Oaktree).
Points of Interest
Kryštofovo Údolí - Wooden Church of St. Christophos
Kryštofovo Údolí - viaduct
Český Dub - Saint John Commandery
Stage 3. Český Dub (Czech Oaktree) - Mnichovo Hradiště
From: Český Dub (Czech Oaktree)
To: Mnichovo Hradiště
Length: 22 km
Height profile: 418 m
506 m
Route description
This stage of 22 km is full of gems and it is worth dedicating a full day to it. From Český Dub follow the blue mark all the way to Letařovice, first through the woods and then alongside them. It is worth to make a stop at Letařovice and visit the church of St. James the Greater which looks quite modest from outside but contains a stunning decoration in its interiors in a form of a coffered painted ceiling. It depicts the legend of St. James in 60 pictures using the ancient Czech to describe the paintings. One of those paintings is used on the Czech credential issued by Ultreia.
From Letařovice take the green mark and approx. after 400 m from the church leave the road towards the wood. Stay on the green until you reach Chocnějovice. There you can see a church which was originally medieval but was rebuild many times in history. Then take blue mark and follow it to Mohelnice nad Jizerou where there is a Romanesque Church from 12th century. From the church follow the green mark all the way to Mnichovo Hradiště. But before you reach it, you can stop by in castle ruins Zásadka, a place which is kept and well looked after and which is a favourite place for bivouacking.
In Mnichovo Hradiště, places worth visiting are the Baroque chateau, Capuchin Monastery complex and the church of St. James.
Points of Interest
Český Dub - Saint John Commandery
Letařovice - -St. James´s Church
Mohelnice nad Jizerou - Romanesque Church
Zásadka - castle ruins
Mnichovo Hradiště - chateau
Stage 4. Mnichovo Hradiště - Mladá Boleslav
From: Mnichovo Hradiště
To: Mladá Boleslav
Length: 23,3 km
Height profile: 247 m
251 m
Route description
From Mnichovo Hradiště the route will take us first to the village Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou, in which the original monastery nowadays functions as a brewery. From there stay on the red marking till Mladá Boleslav which is the final stop of this stage. 4km from Klášter you will reach a stunning Baroque Chapel Klokočka (or Chapel of St. Stapin) which is surrounded by the woods
and where there is a spring of St. Adalbert (Sv. Vojtěch) with drinkable water. This place has a unique energy and it is one of the most memorable places on the Zittau route.
Then continue to Bakov nad Jizerou where the way takes you through a very pleasant countryside alongside Jizera River all the way to Mladá Boleslav. The most famous site there is Museum ŠKODA, however there are other sites worth visiting such as the town palace Templ, Museum of Aviation, observatory.
Points of interest
Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou - town and former monastery
Klokočka - Baroque Chapel
Bakov nad Jizerou - town
Zvířetice - castle ruins (not on the way)
Michalovice - castle
Stage 5. Mladá Boleslav - Benátky nad Jizerou
From: Mladá Boleslav
To: Benátky nad Jizerou
Length: 18,3 km
Height profile: 111 m
155 m
Route description
It is necessary to choose the right branch of the red marking at the sign crossing at Komenského náměstí in Mladá Boleslav. It is the further right one. Then follow it for next 18 km all the way to Benátky nad Jizerou. After 3 km you can take a small digression (it is also marked in red) in Vinec to the Romanesque Church of St. Nicolas from 13th century. It is one of the most valuable Romanesque sites in the Czech Republic and it also offers a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside.
At Krnsko you will come across Stránovský viaduct, one of the most important technical sites. In the village Horky which is about 5,5 km before the finish of this stage you can visit St. Nicholas church as well as a restaurant by the football field. The football is essential for the locals so you will not be surprised to find it featuring on their pilgrimage stamp. You will see the silhouette of
Benátky nad Jizerou, the final point of this stage, from faraway, especially the church tower and the chateau.
Points of Interest
Vinec - village and Romanesque Church of St. Nicolas
Dražice - ruins of the castle
Stage 6. Benátky nad Jizerou - Stará Boleslav
From: Benátky nad Jizerou
To: Stará Boleslav
Length: 20,4 km
Height profile: 53 m
118 m
Route description
This unchallenging stage leads through field and wood paths. You have to be careful when leaving Benátky because it is easy to overlook the sign leading into the fields. The same vigilance applies when passing the water station 2 km further down. You can take a pleasant rest in Předměřice nad Jizerou next to the St. James´s church from 17th century. Then you will carry on walking in the fields. Be vigilant again in Podpraha as the signpost is most of the times hidden in branches of a tree and can be overlooked easily. From there take a narrow street between houses and then enter the woods in which you will stay all the way to Stará Boleslav.
Boleslav is the oldest and maybe the most important pilgrimage site in the Czech Republic. In a quite small space, there are many gems of the architecture such as basilica of St. Wenceslaus, funded in 11th century. In there is a crypt of St. Kosmas and Damian on the alleged place where St. Wenceslaus was murdered. There is also Romanesque church of St. Clement with frescoes from 12th century and a Baroque church of Our Lady of Assumption where the Palladium of the Czech Lands is held.
Points of Interest
Benátky nad Jizerou - zámek
Předměřice - St. James´s Church
Stará Boleslav -Our Lady of Assumption Church
Stará Boleslav - bazilika sv. Václava
Stará Boleslav - St. Clement Church
Stará Boleslav - Palladium of Czech Lands
Stage 7. Stará Boleslav - Praha Prosek
From: Stará Boleslav
To: Praha Prosek - St. Wenceslaus Church
Length: 22,3 km
Height profile: 252 m
131 m
Route description
Points of interest
Stará Boleslav - Our Lady of Assumption Church
Stará Boleslav - bazilika sv. Václava
Stará Boleslav -St Clement Church
Brandýs nad Labem
Stage 8. Praha Prosek - St. James´s Church in Zbraslav
From: St. Wenceslaus Church in Prosek (metro Prosek)
To: St. James´s Church in Zbraslav
Length: 34 km
Route Description
This stage starts in Prosek next to the St. Wenceslaus church where you can get on Zittau way through Kbely and then Mladoboleslavská and Čakovická Street. In this street you can see the first and most beautiful chapel of Via Sancta from Prague to Stará Boleslav. Take Prosecká Street and you will shortly reach the church of St. Wencelaus in Prosek.
The old village of Prosek existed already in 12 century and from that time also comes the church of St. Wenceslaus. There were vineyards in here in those days, which are now being restored. You will pass the vineyard pole towards Prosecká Street, cross it, continue down through the park and pass the former vineyard houses such as Jetelka and Kelerka, pass the little pond which used to be important for the village and continue towards railway station Vysočany.
In front of the railway station, take the tunnel below the rails and turn right into park Podvinní.
The park has got a very nice relaxation zone. Follow the Rokytka Creek, which cuts through the park.
By Kolčavka house where the park ends, undergo the motorway to get to the cycleway. Follow the stream of Rokytka all the way to Libeň. You can see here a little chapel which was saved by the locals from a demolition. Village Libeň is a very old settlement. It is mentioned in annals for the first time in 1363. From the chapel cross Zenklova Street where there is a beautiful building of Sokolovna and also wooden church of St. Wenceslaus which was originally build as a temporary building.

Go back around Sokolovna towards Libeň chateau which was built in 3 mains phases – Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo. Walk around the chateau and continue to follow the streem of Rokytka and alongside the old mill towards Vltava River. Leave behind Libeň, which, apart from other things, used to be a winemaking setting. The old names such as Na Balabence, Palmovka, Pelc-Tyrolka, Truhlářka, Rokoska etc. remind of the past. Libeň also had a numerous Jewish community. This part of Prague was flourishing in 19 century when there was a big industrial development.
After influx of Rokytka and Vltava River continue on the river bank all the way to Troja.
On the way you can notice the water cannal as well as the Troja chateau which was built during the early Baroque era by J. K Mathey as a summer house for Count V. Vojtěch of Šternberg.
Cross the river through the Troja Island down to Stromovka. This game park was funded by Jan Lucemburský. On the top of the hill, there is a former governor´s summer palace which was funded by Wladyslav Jagiello as a hunter´s lodge.
Go through Stromovka to Letná, the best way is to take Čechova Street, cut through Milada Horáková Street and carry on taking Nad Štolou to Letenská pláň (plain). Pass the National Technical Museum and National Museum of Agriculture and enjoy the view of Prague by the Letenský chateau.
Cross the Vltava River taking Štefánikův Bridge to the cloister Na Františku.
The former cloister of St. Agnes is one of the most precious monuments in Prague. It was funded by the king Wenceslaus I. before 1234 for the Order of St. Clare. The project was initiated by king´s sister Agnes. At the same time there was a monastery funded next to it to accommodate the Franciscan order.
Continue through Řásnovka, pass Halštatské Square, Rybná and Jakubská Streets to the church of St. James.

The church and former monastery of St. James was also funded by Wenceslaus I. in 1232. The temple has a decorative frontispiece and was redecorated in Baroque style between 1689 and 1702. There is a building of former Franciscan monastery next to it where there are still some medieval features. In summer refectory, a wedding feast of the king Jan Lucemburský with Beatrice took place in 1337.
Opposite of the church there is an entrance to Ungelt, a court form 11th century, which served to protect the foreign merchants and their goods. It developed into a customs office later on.
The original name of this court was Týn. Attached to it is a church of Our Lady which also contained a hospital for the foreign merchants. This church was rebuilt in the second half of 13th century and was finished just before Hussite wars. It caught fire later on and was rebuilt again. It was the main city church during the Hussite era.
You can have a look around the Old Town Square and its many historical buildings, especially the Old Town Hall with its Astronomical Clock.
Then continue to Malé (Little) Square through Karlova Street to Karlův (Charles) Bridge. Crossing the bridge you will enter Malá Strana (Lesser Quarter). Take Mostecká Street to Malostranské Square.
The dominant building here is the church of St. Nicolaus which was built in 1704-11 by Kryštof Dienzenhofer in place of an old medieval church.
Take picturesque Nerudova Street to climb up the hill towards the Prague Castle, the residence of Czech Princes, Kings and nowadays presidents. It has always been a symbol of the Czech state. There were four important church buildings there already in 10th century. The cathedral of St. Vitus stated to be built by Charles IV. as a part of a massive renovation of the Prague Castle
into a representative residence.
Cut through Hradčanské Square and take Loretánská Street to Loretánské Square, which was built during the renovation of Czernin Palace in 1669. This building is now a home to the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Opposite of MFA you can find Loreta which contains glockenspiel and Santa Casa in its walls. It is a pilgrimage site. At the lower end of the square you can find a Capuchin monastery which offers accommodation to pilgrims.

From there continue to Strahov monastery which belongs to the Premonstratensian Order. It was funded in 1140 by Vladislav I. It went through many reconstructions to get today look. However, the Abbot Temple of Our Lady is originally a Romanesque Basilica. The monastery is a vast building and is worth visiting, especially its beautiful library, the biggest in the Czech Lands.
Outside, leaving the monastery behind your back, you can enjoy a magnificent view of Prague. Then take the route on your right and continue to Petřín Mountain.
On the way enjoy the view of the palaces below you until you reach a restaurant (careful, it is not Nebozízek, which is a bit further down), turn down the hill in Seminářská Garden to Helichova Street. In Karmelitská Street, turn left towards the church of Our Lady Victorious. From 1628, they keep the statue of the Prague Infant Jesus there, which is a work of Spanish Renaissance,
a gift from Polyxena of Lobkowitz.
Go to Harantova Street through Maltézské Square to Kampa, cross Čertovka Creek and turn right. Cross Vltava River on the Legion Bridge (most Legií) towards National Theatre.
Following the Vltava River stream you will come to leave the city. Passing Vyšehrad you will leave the city centre. Still walking on the river bank you will reach Zbraslav where you will join the tourist marking enhanced by the St. James´s shell marking. This is where the path changes to Všeruby or Železná way.