The Všeruby Way

Praha – Příbram – Klatovy – Kdyně – Všeruby 214 km

The Všeruby way runs from the church of St. James in the Old Town in Prague through pilgrimage sites on the Holy Mount, in Nepomuk and Klatovy to the border between the Czech Republic and Germany to the so-called Všeruby saddle, where it is followed by the East Bavarian Way (Ostbayerischer Jakobsweg). You will walk through a picturesque valley along the river Berounka, through Brdy andPlánická vrchovina to Podšumaví.

Route map

Route description

Starting at the Church of St. James the Greater, the so-called Všeruby Way runs from the centre of Prague to Bavaria. It follows the Vltava river to Zbraslav, with yet another Church of St. James next to the Zbraslav Chateau (a former burial site of Czech kings). From here, it continues west through forests and fields above the Berounka river valley towards the Karlštejn Castle, where Czech Crown Jewels used to be deposited. From Karlštejn, it turns south across Berounka and ascends to the part of the Brdy range called Hřebeny to the tramp settlement U Jezírka. From here, a turn-off leads to the Skalka pilgrimage site above Mníšek pod Brdy.

Leaving the forests, the way continues to the town of Dobříš with a Rococo chateau. Over the Kuchyňka hill in the Brdy range and through spruce groves, it arrives to the Svatá Hora u Příbrami pilgrimage site. From Svatá Hora with an overview of Brdy and Příbram with the Church of St. James, descend the covered stairs to the town and walk on through the green valley of the Litavka rivulet. From Příbram, walk uphill to the Vysoká village with a chateau and the museum of the composer A. Dvořák; there is even a Rusalka’s (Water-Nymph’s) pool by the path in the woods as a reminiscence of him.

The way wanders through several villages to Rožmitál pod Třemšínem, made famous by the diplomat Lev of Rosental and J. J. Ryba, a composer of Christmas carols. A hilly stage over Třemšín, one of the Brdy peaks, leads the pilgrim through forests and along ponds in the Pilsner Region to two Churches of St. James – one in Kasejovice and another in Nepomuk, where the martyr St. John of Nepomuk was born. Reaching the edge of Brdy, the way continues through far stretching beechwoods of the Plánické hills to the small town of Plánice, offering romantic forest settlements at the foothills of the Bohemian Forest all the way to Klatovy, a Rennaisance town rising to fame in the 16th century.

The route continues further through many villages with German and Jewish past to Kdyně, a former centre of textile industry near the Chodsko region. The way leads us over the Čepice hill to the German border and a pilgrimage site with the Church of St. Anna – Tanaberk, which was a Czech-speaking settlement in the German-speaking region at the times of the House of Habsburg. The Všeruby pass opens after gentle descend. From here, continue through Bavaria to the Danube region.


Practical information

FromTokm kmsMark
Praha Staré Město, kostel sv. JakubaPraha, Karlův most (Křižovnické náměstí)0,90,9neznačeno
Praha, Karlův most (Křižovnické náměstí) Hodkovičky, Lodnická 7,58,4 A2
Hodkovičky, LodnickáZbraslav - žst. 6,314,7 A2
Zbraslav - žst. Radotín4,419,1
Radotín Vonoklasy8,727,8
Vonoklasy Karlštejn - pod hradem 8,336,1
Karlštejn - pod hradem (E10) Halouny 7,243,3
HalounyJezírko 1,344,6
JezírkoČervený kříž 1,045,6
Červený křížNa rovinách 1,146,7
Na rovináchKytín 1,848,5
KytínChouzavá - rozcestí 2,951,4
Chouzavá - rozcestíDobříš - náměstí 7,558,9
Dobříš - náměstíTrnovská cesta 7,166,0
Trnovská cestaKuchyňka - sedlo 2,268,2
Kuchyňka - sedloPod Malým vrchem
(Pod Provazcem)
Pod Malým vrchem
(Pod Provazcem)
U Kříže5,076,1
U Kříže Skorotín - háj.3,879,9
Skorotín - háj. Svatá hora (Příbram) 5,585,4
Svatá hora (Příbram) Příbram, Zdaboř - bus 3,088,4
Příbram - Zdaboř, busVysoká u Příbramě - zámek7,796,1
Vysoká u Příbramě - zámek Strýčkovy3,599,6
Strýčkovy Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - bus 5,8105,4
Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - bus Hutě pod Třemšínem5,1110,5
Hutě pod Třemšínem Třemšín 4,0114,5
TřemšínStarý Smolivec 6,7121,2
Starý Smolivec Metly3,6124,8
Metly Kasejovice - náměstí 5,3130,1
Kasejovice - náměstíŽivotice5,2135,3
Životice Mohelnice4,2139,5
Mohelnice Nepomuk - žel. stanice 3,9143,4
Nepomuk - žel. stanice Nepomuk - náměstí 2,6146,0
Nepomuk - náměstí Kozlovice 2,7148,7
KozloviceVelký Kámen 8,0156,7
Velký Kámen Plánice - nám. 6,2162,9
Plánice - náměstíHabartice5,6168,5
Habartice Kydliny5,0173,5
Kydliny Klatovy - žst. 6,9180,4
Klatovy - žst.Bezděkov - žst. 6,0186,4
Bezděkov - žst. Dlažov 6,8193,2
Dlažov Branišov7,9201,1
Branišov Kdyně - náměstí 3,3204,4
Kdyně - náměstíPod Čepicí 3,2207,6
Pod Čepicí Tanaberk 2,4210,0
Tanaberk rozcestí Zlaté stezky a cyklostezky č.3A0,8210,8značení Zlaté stezky
rozcestí Zlaté stezky a cyklostezky č.3A Všeruby 2,5213,3 č. 3A
Všerubyhraniční přechod Všeruby / Eschlkam1,0214,3
alternativa přes Koráb:    
SoustovBranišov 8,5
BranišovPod Korábem2
Pod KorábemKdyně, náměstí2,5
Kdyně, náměstíVšeruby, hranice9,5 

červená modrá zelená žlutá turistické značky KČT / touristic trails

cyklo silnice cyklotrasa po silnici / cycling route on paved road

Cyklo po cestě cyklotrasa po nezpevněné cestě / cycling route on unpaved road

razitko razítko / stamp


The information will be available in English soon. Updated in August 2020

PrahaKapucíni u Lorety, 606 732 064, 733 755 889
Praha - ZbraslavDomek Praha - Zbraslav, u zámku Poutníci při rezervaci přes obdrží 10% slevu z aktuálních cen ubytování - do požadavků při rezervaci je nutné uvést poutnickou slevu. Ta bude potvrzena a částka odpovídající slevě vrácena nejpozději do 12 dnů. Při ubytování se prokážete průkazem poutníka.
Praha - Radotín Sportovní hala, 608 262 805, 490 Kč / osoba, 890 Kč / 2L pokoj
KarlštejnTJ Karlštejn, 704 453 850, 350 Kč / osoba 
Dobříš Penzion Zdeňka Masopustová, 602 938 110, 350 Kč / osoba
Penzion U tří statkářů, 603 290 698, 800 Kč / osoba, 1 200 Kč / 2L pokoj
Penzion Sedláček, 318 523 521
Penzion Pod Archmankou, 605 298 757, 400 Kč / osoba
Příbram Exerciční dům Svatá Hora, 731 619 800, 320 Kč / osoba
Rožmitál pod TřemšínemTuristická ubytovna, 777 087 290, 290 Kč / osoba
Souhrnný přehled všech možností ubytování v tomto odkazu.
NepomukFara u kostela sv. Jakuba, 773 122 633
Penzion S, 602 452 948
Sportovní hala, 371 591 173
Souhrnný přehled všech možností ubytování v tomto odkazu.
PlániceHotel Pavlíček, 606 637 736, 350 Kč / osoba
KlatovySouhrnný přehled všech možností ubytování v tomto odkazu.
Autokemp Klatovy (cca 800 m od trasy, pouze ve stanu), 376 310 779,  
Bezděkov u KlatovPenzion u Kuličků, 376 316 980, 350 Kč / osoba 
DlažovApartmány Dlažov, 604 528 745, 410 Kč / osoba
vrch KorábHorská chata Koráb, 775133728, 250 Kč / osoba
KdyněPenzion Janka, 606 423 911, 650 Kč / osoba, 980 Kč / 2L pokoj
Penzion Černý, 608 241 655,
Penzion Apex, 770 130 380, 600 Kč / osoba, 900 Kč / 2L pokoj
PrapořištěPenzion Pranty, 605 586 260
VšerubyPenzion Všeruby, 734 685 287, 600 - 700 Kč / osoba
EschlkamGasthof zur Post, +49 (0)9948 751
StachesriedGästehaus Fischer, +49 (0)9948 055,
Neukirchen b.h.BlutFranziskaner kloster, +49 (0)994794 080 cca 20 Eur 
Leaflet to download

Daily Stages

Stage 1. Praha Zbraslav - Skalka

Stage 1. Praha Zbraslav - Skalka

From:  Praha - Zbraslav, St. James´s Church in the chateau complex
To:  Skalka

Length: 19,8 km
Height profile: 564 m 237 m

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Route description

This stage starts at Zbraslav main square where the Všeruby way brakes off the Železná way, therefore be mindful to take the left turn following the sings to Elišky Přemyslovny Street. The way quickly leaves the build-up are to the park called Belveder where you can find some springs. 

You will leave the last Prague district Zbraslav passing by number of exquisite villas, later on by some allotments until you will climb up the hill above a quarry to enjoy a beautiful view. The walk is disturbed by some noise from the motorway but luckily you will be leaving this behind when reaching Jíloviště and turning into the forests of Brdy Mountains. 

Passing some little ravines you will climb up the Černolic hill with a magnificent view of Černolické Skály (Černolické Rocks). From there you will ascent in a moderate long way to the pilgrim site Skalka with monastery, hermitage and church of Mary Magdalene which was built after the plague epidemy by Engel of Englfluss. This sanctuary which can be seen from far away was designed based on inspiration of the chapel in Aix-en-Provence where the Saint lived, according to the legend. There are Stations of the Cross all the way from the church to the hermitage. It was renovated in 2010 when stones with images from the life of Jesus Kriste were added to it. 

Zajímavosti na trase

Zbraslav Chateau
Zbraslav Churches 
Skalka Pilgrimage Site

Stage 2. Skalka - Dobříš

Stage 2. Skalka - Dobříš

From: Skalka
To:  Dobříš

Length: 15,4 km
Height profile: 136 m 292 m

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Route description

This short and unchallenging stage connects two smaller towns Mníšek pod Brdy and Dobříš where you can find a good choice of accommodation.

From the pilgrimage site Skalka you will leave to the crossroad Na Rovinách where you will swich from red marking to the yellow one, and that will take you to Kytín, town with picturesque pond surrounded by sculptures, beautiful little church with a well, and a variety of refreshment. From there it is only 10 kilometres to Dobříš. You will first walk through fir and then oak forests. 

You will leave the woods by approaching the Dobříš cemetery. Then you will descend by the former glover factories down to Papež (Pope) pond to the main square in Dobříš. You will find here not only a Rococo Chateau with French garden and English park built by Collored-Mansfeld family, but also many historical sites related to Jewish community, which was very important here in the past.

Points of Interest:

Dobříš town
Dobříš Chateu

Stage 3. Dobříš - Příbram Svatá Hora

Stage 3. Dobříš - Příbram Svatá Hora

From: Dobříš
To: Příbram - Svatá Hora

Length: 26,6 km
Height profile: 553 m 347 m

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Route description

The medium-long stage leads along the eastern slope of Brdy Mountain. You will gradually ascend on it to the Holly Mountain (Svatá Hora) pilgrimage site.

In this part, the Všeruby way converges with the pilgrimage route to the Holy Mountain, which is the most important pilgrimage site in Bohemia for many pilgrims. From Dobříš, first go west to the Pod Vlkovým vrchem signpost, from where you follow the blue mark through forests to the southern village of Holšiny, where refreshments are available. From there, you take country roads to Buková where is a castle and a restaurant. After Buková, the tourist sign will bring you back to the forests of Brdy Mountains. From the Náves signpost you will ascend through the forests all the way to the Svatá Hora Basilica following the green mark. From Buková, the route can be shortened by approx. 1 kilometer, in case of bad weather, on the district road by going up Malý Chlum hill through the village of Pičín. There you can admire its historical sights and enjoy refreshment in a pleasant restaurant. 

Reaching the peak at Svatá Hora you can enjoy a wonderful view of Příbram, dominated by the slender tower of the church of St. James the Greater.  By taking the Holy Mountain steps, you can reach the church as well as the picturesque streets of old Příbram.

Points of interest:

Příbram town 
Svatá Hora - Holly Mountain Pilgrimage Site

Stage 4. Příbram - Rožmitál pod Třemšínem

Stage 4. Příbram - Rožmitál pod Třemšínem

From: Příbram Svatá Hora
To: Rožmitál pod Třemšínem zámek

Length: 20,1 km
Height profile: 221 m 279 m

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Route description

A rather short stage, which, after descending from Svatá Hora to Vysoká, leads mostly uphill through the forest. In the second half of this stage, you will go through a flat landscape between fields. Refreshments are only possible in Rožmitál pod Třemšínem.

This is the region where the tones of Rusalka opera and the dark screams of the supervisors of the Auxiliary Technical Battalions shouted out. When you go under the Brdy Highlands you can feel that this landscape between Příbram and Rožmitál is full of the passion of the Czech past. At the same time, its highland atmosphere can be recognized by the alternation of pastures, fields, spruce forests, and small villages along the roads.

From Svatá Hora, a marked route leads directly to Zdaboř. It is worth walking first to the centre of Příbram with the majestic church of St. James, where the feel of the old Příbram streets will leave an impression on you. For several kilometers, the path winds through the city's forest park along the Příbramský Creek and the relaxation area to the shopping area in the Zdaboř district. In this peripheral part of Příbram, a few meters from the route, you can visit one of many monuments of this famous mining town – the Drkolnov mine. From Příbram you then ascend gently up the hills through pastures interspersed with forests to the village of Vysoká. There is a castle and museum of Antonín Dvořák. A path was created in his memory in the forest and leads to the Rusalka (Water-Nymph) Pool. The road meanders through villages to Rožmitál pod Třemšínem with the castle of the famous House of Rosental. The most famous representative of this noble family is the diplomat Lev of Rosental, about whom there is preserved written evidence of his medieval journey to Spain, called "To the end of the world". The strongest reminiscence of Rožmitál for most Czech people is the so-called "Rybovka", Christmas carols by the composer Jakub Jan Ryba, who composed his "Hey Master" and played it in the Church of the Ascension of St. Crosses in Starý Rožmitál. 

Points of Interest:

Svatá hora - Pilgrimage site 
Antonín Dvořák Memorial, Vysoká u Příbramě 
Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - town 
Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - chateau

Stage 5. Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - Kasejovice

Stage 5. Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - Kasejovice

From: Rožmitál pod Třemšínem
To: Kasejovice

Length: 24 km
Height profile: 460 m 423 m

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Route description

The longest stage on the Všeruby way, which also crosses the 827m high peak of Třemšín, is gentle in its profile except for one long hill. Caution is required when descending from Třemšín, which is steep in places and with several crooked stones in the way.

From Rožmitál pod Třemšínem, once a Czech centre of stud-making commemorated by a museum in Starý Rožmitál, you leave through the square and past the castle, going alongside a heritage protected linden alley along the Podzámecký pond, where the path climbs steadily to the meadows above the town with a wonderful view of the entire region. You will briefly descend to Přední and Zadní Hutě, which at a higher altitude offer the famous tranquillity of foothill villages, embellished with several log houses. While climbing the hill, you can rest by the Třemšínská bouda, originally intended as a chapel which later became a refuge house. An ancient cross next to it reminds of forester Karel Gangloff.

Třemšín itself offers several vistas as far as the Šumava Mountains, but above all it is a place where, in any weather, you can enjoy the tranquillity of the local landscape and what it experienced in the past, e.g., national pilgrimages to this mountain in the 19th century. When descending from Třemšín you can explore one of the preserved partisan bunkers. The markings change from red to blue, on which you will stay until the finish of this stage. From the forest of the Třemšín Nature Park, the path brings you to the village of Starý Smolivec, which is dominated by a castle converted into a cultural centre. The rest of the stage runs along undulating fields and passes several ponds, e.g., the largest of them, Metelský, whose dam runs above the village of Metly, an unusual construction feature. Just before arriving in Kasejovice, you can divert from the path for a short right turn on the hill to the Jewish cemetery. From there you can descend enjoying a view of the church of St. James in Kasejovice, which has traditionally one side tower. This town once had an active Jewish community and you can learn more about it in the synagogue, now transformed into a museum.

Points of Interest:

Třemšín - hill Třemšín - mysteries 
Třemšín - partisan bunker 
Kasejovice - church of St. James 

Stage 6. Kasejovice - Nepomuk

Stage 6. Kasejovice - Nepomuk

From: Kasejovice
To: Nepomuk

Length: 16 km
Height profile: 257 m 365 m

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Route description

The stage is easy and short, mostly flat, and can be easily combined with the subsequent stage to Plánice.

This recommended stage is the shortest of all on the route and follows the red marker all the way to Nepomuk. After leaving Kasejovice, before the forest, there is a turnoff to the former gold mine of St. James, which was closed in the middle of the 20th century. In the middle of the forests of the Pod Štědrým Nature Park, the mood of the high Baroque takes hold at the Životice castle, which is not open to the public, but you can still admire it from afar from the Životice pond. Through the quiet villages of Podhůří, Mohelnice and Tojice you will come to Dvorce with the Nepomuk railway station, from where it is another 2 km up the hill to the town itself, where the martyr St. John of Nepomuk was born. The baroque church of St. John of Nepomuk, near Augustin Němejc square, was constructed to commemorate the life and legend of this Czech national saint. The pilgrims can also visit the nearby Museum of Saint John. Above the town on a hill stands the baroque castle Zelená Hora, to which the discovery of a forgery of the Zelená Hora manuscript from the 19th century is linked.

Points of Interest:

Zelená Hora u Nepomuku -Chateau and the Manuscript of Zelená Hora

Stage 7. Nepomuk - Plánice

Stage 7. Nepomuk - Plánice

From: Nepomuk
To: Plánice

Length: 17 km
Height profile: 409 m 292 m

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Route description

An easy stage that leads through the forest through the Plánická Highlands, without the possibility of refreshments along the way.

Sometimes on a pilgrimage we feel that we need time to recover, to be inside of ourselves, far from civilization, somewhere in an undemanding environment without big hills and preferably in the shade of a forest. And you won't find such a place anywhere better on the Všerubská route than in the Plánická Highland between the towns of Nepomuk and Plánice. Before you get to this long beech wood heading from Brdy Mountains towards the Šumava Mountains, first cross the main road between Pilsen and České Budějovice and shortly afterwards pass through Kozlovice with its long village square, full of painted facades of exquisite houses. Outside the village, the path soon draws you into a light and quiet beech forest, through which it continues to climb gently for many kilometres to the Veký kámen (Big Rock) with a rest area. From the rock of this unique massif, you will enjoy a view of the peaks of Šumava Mountains. This is followed by a short steep descent to Lovčice, from where you will approach Plánice, a small town in Podšumaví region with the church of St. Blase (sv. Blažej). Several views of the Šumava ridge await you along the way. In Plánice, the birth house of František Křižík, a Czech inventor in the field of electricity, is worth seeing. 

Points of Interest:

Plánice - town

Stage 8. Plánice - Klatovy

Stage 8. Plánice - Klatovy

From: Plánice
To: Klatovy

Length: 15,7 km
Height profile: 280 m 420 m

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Route description

The easy stage continues to follow the red mark with the only major climb to the Barák hill. Refreshments can only be found at the finish of this stage in the district town of Klatovy. 

From Plánice start walking from the baroque church of St. Blaze (sv. Blažej) through a deep gorge shaded by spruce trees all the way to the small settlement of Vracov with 3 buildings with stone walls and majestic linden trees. The path then passes through Kvaslice around the pond up a gentle hill to Habartice. Then you will climb to Barák hill with the TV transmitter. When descending you can enjoy the view of the town of Klatovy in the distance. Before you get there, you can admire the 14 modern Stations of the Cross on your way between Kydliny and Čínov. In Čínov, it is worth relaxing in a small park near a modern wooden bell tower in an open space by the pond. 

From there you will walk for a quite a time along the road to Klatovy, which is known for the painting of the Virgin Mary of Klatovy, placed in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. You can explore the centre of the town with the grand square, which is shaped by the white towers of the Jesuit church and the massive stone black tower, the pride of the rich past of the Renaissance Klatovy. The baroque pharmacy, the oldest in Bohemia, or the catacombs are worth visiting.

Points of Interest:

Klatovy - town

Stage 9. Klatovy - Kdyně

Stage 9. Klatovy - Kdyně

From: Klatovy
To: Kdyně

Length: 25,8 km
Height profile: 439 m 394 m

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Route description

This is a medium difficult stage with a continuous ascent to Chudenická Highlands followed by a final steady descent to Kdyně.

The stage from Klatovy to Kdyně leads you not only from Klatovy to Domažlice district on the edge of Chodsko area, but also brings a more intense perception of the three cultures that have shaped this foothill region for centuries. You will stay on the blue marker all the way. This will take you from the Klatovská railway station to Hůrka Hill overlooking the valley of the Úhlavka River, dominated by the large village of Bezděkov with its church tower and castle. From this valley, you slowly ascend through several villages, alternately through forests and along fields, up to the Chudenická Highlands to an altitude of over 700m. Here, near the settlements of Modlín and Branišov, you will be in a region of pastures and stone foothill buildings. A rare moment awaits you in front of Branišov in the form of the renewed chapel of the Blessed Emperor Charles II. There you can admire a beautiful view of Šumava Mountains and the source of Andělice River. From Branišov, go over a small ridge that is sharper in places to the valley of the town of Kdyně with distant views of the town with the church or the ruins of Rýzmberk.

There is an alternative way of this entire stage from Klatovy to Kdyně. It can be completed at a comparable level of difficulty by following the green mark further north, arriving at the highest peak of the Chudenická Highlands Koráb Hill with a lookout and a tourist hut. However, you will have to descend very steeply from there to Kdyně.

Points of Interest:

Kdyně - town

Stage 10. Kdyně - Všeruby státní hranice

Stage 10. Kdyně - Všeruby, the country border 

From: Kdyně
To: Všeruby - the country border 

Length: 9,9 km
Height profile: 221 m 245 m

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Route description

This stage is flat except for the initial crossing of the Čepice hill, even though it is in the border region, which is rather hilly. 

The transition from Kdyně, once an exceptional industrial centre in the region, to Eschlkam with a grand church of St. James, offers unexpectedly many exceptional things from Czech history. First, after climbing the Čepice hill, you will descend to the monument of the Czechoslovak soldiers who bravely defended the border in 1938. Further away is the elevated place of Tanaberk with the church of St. Ann, which is linked not only to the legend of a miracle during a summer storm, but also to the stories of the Czech community from the 19th century. They were responsible for the first Czech tourist signage outside Central Bohemia on the way from Domažlice to Tanaberk.  The border town Všeruby reminds visitors of Czech writer Božena Němcová´s stay here, as well as the Communist methods of detecting people emigrating for freedom.

From the border pilgrimage stone, the last 10 kilometres lead through flat and partially forested terrain to Seugenhof. This town with its St. James´s church rises at the end of this stage.

Points of Interest:
