The South Bohemian Way stage 8

Stage 8. Kájov – Frymburk

From:  Kájov
To:  Frymburk – náměstí

Total Length:  22,8 km
Hight Profile:  446 m 266 m

Interactive route map

Route Description:

A very difficult stage due to a number of ascending meters in its first half. It gets easier at Světlík as the path descends in a moderate way and leads mainly through the woods. 

The path follows the yellow mark from Kájov, which changes at Jezvinec crossroad for blue. It goes uphill all the way to Slavkov. You can take a rest at Slavkov in the shades of St. Bartholomew´s church and the local fortress. Further up on blue marking reach the village of Světlík where there is the last St. James´s church on the Czech territory. On the outside wall of the cemetery you can find a pilgrim stamp in a pilgrim box . Then walk down from this village on the top of the hill (800 m high) all the way down through the fields and then woods until you reach Lipno reservoir and Frymburk with a church of St. Bartholomew with an amazing tall bell tower. 

Points of Interest:

Slavkov – Vicarage and Fortress
Slavkov – St. Bartholomew´s Church
Pasovary – Ruins of a Fortress
Světlík – St. James´s Church
Světlík – Cross Stops
Frymburk –  St. Bartholomew´s Church
Frymburk – Marian Column