Stage 3. Český Dub (Czech Oaktree) – Mnichovo Hradiště
From: Český Dub (Czech Oaktree)
To: Mnichovo Hradiště
Length: 22 km
Height profile: 418 m 506 m
Route description
This stage of 22 km is full of gems and it is worth dedicating a full day to it. From Český Dub follow the blue mark all the way to Letařovice, first through the woods and then alongside them. It is worth to make a stop at Letařovice and visit the church of St. James the Greater which looks quite modest from outside but contains a stunning decoration in its interiors in a form of a coffered painted ceiling. It depicts the legend of St. James in 60 pictures using the ancient Czech to describe the paintings. One of those paintings is used on the Czech credential issued by Ultreia.
From Letařovice take the green mark and approx. after 400 m from the church leave the road towards the wood. Stay on the green until you reach Chocnějovice. There you can see a church which was originally medieval but was rebuild many times in history. Then take blue mark and follow it to Mohelnice nad Jizerou where there is a Romanesque Church from 12th century. From the church follow the green mark all the way to Mnichovo Hradiště. But before you reach it, you can stop by in castle ruins Zásadka, a place which is kept and well looked after and which is a favourite place for bivouacking.
In Mnichovo Hradiště, places worth visiting are the Baroque chateau, Capuchin Monastery complex and the church of St. James.
Points of Interest
Český Dub – Saint John Commandery
Letařovice – -St. James´s Church
Mohelnice nad Jizerou – Romanesque Church
Zásadka – castle ruins
Mnichovo Hradiště – chateau