Stage 4. Mnichovo Hradiště – Mladá Boleslav
From: Mnichovo Hradiště
To: Mladá Boleslav
Length: 23,3 km
Height profile: 247 m
251 m
Route description
From Mnichovo Hradiště the route will take us first to the village Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou, in which the original monastery nowadays functions as a brewery. From there stay on the red marking till Mladá Boleslav which is the final stop of this stage. 4km from Klášter you will reach a stunning Baroque Chapel Klokočka (or Chapel of St. Stapin) which is surrounded by the woods
and where there is a spring of St. Adalbert (Sv. Vojtěch) with drinkable water. This place has a unique energy and it is one of the most memorable places on the Zittau route.
Then continue to Bakov nad Jizerou where the way takes you through a very pleasant countryside alongside Jizera River all the way to Mladá Boleslav. The most famous site there is Museum ŠKODA, however there are other sites worth visiting such as the town palace Templ, Museum of Aviation, observatory.
Points of interest
Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou – town and former monastery
Klokočka – Baroque Chapel
Bakov nad Jizerou – town
Zvířetice – castle ruins (not on the way)
Michalovice – castle