Zittau Stage 6

Stage 6. Benátky nad Jizerou – Stará Boleslav

From:  Benátky nad Jizerou
To: Stará Boleslav

Length: 20,4 km
Height profile: 53 m 118 m

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Route description

This unchallenging stage leads through field and wood paths. You have to be careful when leaving Benátky because it is easy to overlook the sign leading into the fields. The same vigilance applies when passing the water station 2 km further down. You can take a pleasant rest in Předměřice nad Jizerou next to the St. James´s church from 17th century. Then you will carry on walking in the fields. Be vigilant again in Podpraha as the signpost is most of the times hidden in branches of a tree and can be overlooked easily. From there take a narrow street between houses and then enter the woods in which you will stay all the way to Stará Boleslav.

Boleslav is the oldest and maybe the most important pilgrimage site in the Czech Republic. In a quite small space, there are many gems of the architecture such as basilica of St. Wenceslaus, funded in 11th century. In there is a crypt of St. Kosmas and Damian on the alleged place where St. Wenceslaus was murdered. There is also Romanesque church of St. Clement with frescoes from 12th century and a Baroque church of Our Lady of Assumption where the Palladium of the Czech Lands is held.

Points of Interest

Benátky nad Jizerou – zámek 
Předměřice – St. James´s Church

Stará Boleslav -Our Lady of Assumption Church
Stará Boleslav – bazilika sv. Václava 
Stará Boleslav – St. Clement Church 
Stará Boleslav – Palladium of Czech Lands