Stage 1. Praha Zbraslav – Skalka
From: Praha – Zbraslav, St. James´s Church in the chateau complex
To: Skalka
Length: 19,8 km
Height profile: 564 m
237 m
Route description
This stage starts at Zbraslav main square where the Všeruby way brakes off the Železná way, therefore be mindful to take the left turn following the sings to Elišky Přemyslovny Street. The way quickly leaves the build-up are to the park called Belveder where you can find some springs.
You will leave the last Prague district Zbraslav passing by number of exquisite villas, later on by some allotments until you will climb up the hill above a quarry to enjoy a beautiful view. The walk is disturbed by some noise from the motorway but luckily you will be leaving this behind when reaching Jíloviště and turning into the forests of Brdy Mountains.
Passing some little ravines you will climb up the Černolic hill with a magnificent view of Černolické Skály (Černolické Rocks). From there you will ascent in a moderate long way to the pilgrim site Skalka with monastery, hermitage and church of Mary Magdalene which was built after the plague epidemy by Engel of Englfluss. This sanctuary which can be seen from far away was designed based on inspiration of the chapel in Aix-en-Provence where the Saint lived, according to the legend. There are Stations of the Cross all the way from the church to the hermitage. It was renovated in 2010 when stones with images from the life of Jesus Kriste were added to it.
Zajímavosti na trase
Zbraslav Chateau
Zbraslav Churches
Skalka Pilgrimage Site