Stage 3. Dobříš – Příbram Svatá Hora
From: Dobříš
To: Příbram – Svatá Hora
Length: 26,6 km
Height profile: 553 m
347 m
Route description
The medium-long stage leads along the eastern slope of Brdy Mountain. You will gradually ascend on it to the Holly Mountain (Svatá Hora) pilgrimage site.
In this part, the Všeruby way converges with the pilgrimage route to the Holy Mountain, which is the most important pilgrimage site in Bohemia for many pilgrims. From Dobříš, first go west to the Pod Vlkovým vrchem signpost, from where you follow the blue mark through forests to the southern village of Holšiny, where refreshments are available. From there, you take country roads to Buková where is a castle and a restaurant. After Buková, the tourist sign will bring you back to the forests of Brdy Mountains. From the Náves signpost you will ascend through the forests all the way to the Svatá Hora Basilica following the green mark. From Buková, the route can be shortened by approx. 1 kilometer, in case of bad weather, on the district road by going up Malý Chlum hill through the village of Pičín. There you can admire its historical sights and enjoy refreshment in a pleasant restaurant.
Reaching the peak at Svatá Hora you can enjoy a wonderful view of Příbram, dominated by the slender tower of the church of St. James the Greater. By taking the Holy Mountain steps, you can reach the church as well as the picturesque streets of old Příbram.
Points of interest:
Příbram town
Svatá Hora – Holly Mountain Pilgrimage Site